Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Avoiding Temptation

Adding onto yesterday's post about diet, I need to work on avoiding temptation.

Some of my temptations include, but are not limited to...

1) All the damn fast food places on the way to and from taking child #1 to school each day. I had a bad habit of stopping several times per week and grabbing myself breakfast.

2) Snacking when the kids aren't looking. If I can't eat it in front of them, should I be eating it at all?

3) Snacking when the kids go to bed. Do I really need to be doing this?

All of this is NO MORE. I will do my best to avoid these 3 temptations. Period.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Plan

Ok, so here's the plan of attack.

I know I will not be able to do much about my diet right now. I will do my best to be more conscious with what I am eating and try to avoid the crap around the house. I have been doing good maintaining my weight with the food I have been eating. No drastic changes in this area, yet anyway.

My plan has more to do with exercising.

The problem with that is that I am working ALL the time. I work a day job from home plus having 2 kids plus a house to take care of. So, when am I planning to work out you ask?

5AM each day. Sunday-Friday. I will take Saturday's off since that is the only day I can relax at home anyway.

I started today. I woke up at 5am and it was HARD to get up and out of bed. But, I did it. The first step to a healthier me.

Now if I can just take it one day at a time, I will get up and do it again tomorrow...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

And it begins...

I have been overweight for as long as I can remember now.

Sometime after high school I just started slowly putting on weight.

Then I got married and put on some more.

Then I had my first child and put on a lot more.

Then I had another child and put on a little more.

And now, here I am almost 30 years old and I am disgusted with my weight.

I want to be healthier.

I want to be thinner.

I want to have energy.

I want all of this for ME and for my family.

2011. It is TIME. I am starting this journey anonymously. Once I have traveled this journey for a while and see where it leads me, I will share my identity with the blog world. I hope to lose a lot of weight, get healthier in the process, and start a new chapter in my life.


Starting weight...

(296 pounds)